Author: admin

Homemade Bird Feeder

My dogs and I love to watch the birds and squirrels that come to eat at the feeders. I wanted a feeder that would stay dry and would be easy to keep filled and clean. I also wanted it to be visible from my kitchen window. So I came up with a simple and cheap […]


Chihuahuas. They look so innocent and cute, but don’t let them fool you. These little bundles of joy are very stubborn. To get along with a Chihuahua means that you have to be stubborn as well. If you have no patience then Chihuahuas are not for you. If you want your little one to do […]

Big Dog vs. Little Dog

Thinking about getting a dog? Which size is better? I have had big dogs and little dogs and I prefer little ones. This is why: Little dogs cost less, period. They cost less to feed. They cost less at the vet and at the groomers. Little crates cost less. Little dogs are usually welcomed at […]

Puppy Choice

So, you’re ready to welcome a puppy into your home. Here are a few pointers that will help in choosing the right puppy that you will enjoy for years to come. The first thing is don’t rush your choice. Don’t fall in love with the first puppy you see and take him/her home right away. […]

Great Dog Toys Don’t Have to be Bought

You know how when you give a child a gift they would rather play with the box than the toy? Well the same applies to puppies. My puppy’s favorite toys are common things that I don’t have to buy. Her very favorite is a cap off of a water bottle or milk jug. She will […]

Rabbit Cage to the Rescue

I was using a large dog crate at night ini the basement but I needed something to keep my tiny chihuahua/pomeranian puppy, Rosie, in during the day that would protect our wood floors. I didn’t want another crate because it’s very hard to get a pup in and out of them and they are a […]