Big Dog vs. Little Dog

Big Dog Little DogThinking about getting a dog? Which size is better? I have had big dogs and little dogs and I prefer little ones. This is why:

  • Little dogs cost less, period.
  • They cost less to feed.
  • They cost less at the vet and at the groomers.
  • Little crates cost less.
  • Little dogs are usually welcomed at apartments, rentals and lodgings.
  • Little dogs generally live longer.
  • They are easy to groom.
  • They leave less fur in the house and less waste out in the yard.
  • If they do have an accident in the house it’s not a major disaster.
  • They clean all the crumbs off your floor. Even the little tiny crumbs.
  • They take up less room in your bed.
  • They are cute and cuddly.
  • They are very playful.
  • They like to sit on your lap and be held.

Some men think that small dogs are not manly. Well if this is the only reason to own a big dog it is the wrong reason. If you want a little dog that isn’t so cute and cuddly go for a boston terrier, a pug, a dachshund, or smooth hair Chihuahua. If you want a feisty dog, go for a miniature pinscher. Keep in mind that cute little dogs are girl magnets. Little dogs can’t put their noses in your guest’s crotch. They can’t reach stuff on counters, tables, grills etc. They can’t help themselves to water and ice from the door of the fridge. They don’t leave nose prints on windows. They don’t take you for a walk. They don’t knock stuff off of low tables with their tails. They don’t get in your way when they lay down in a room. They can’t knock you over. They don’t destroy stuff as quickly. You can pick them up to answer the door. If you believe little dogs are yippy, it is all in the training. If you still aren’t convinced go to an animal shelter and see how many little dogs are there. I doubt you will find a lot. Gee, I wonder why.