
KileyChihuahuas. They look so innocent and cute, but don’t let them fool you. These little bundles of joy are very stubborn. To get along with a Chihuahua means that you have to be stubborn as well.

If you have no patience then Chihuahuas are not for you. If you want your little one to do something you have to keep asking until they comply. My little sweetie is Kylee. There are times when she decides that she does not want to relieve herself when I want her to. I have to stand outside sometimes for 10 minutes and have to keep asking until she finally gives up and complies.

Chihuahuas are kind of like cats. They want things on their own terms. Mine does not like to be bothered sometimes so she will run away from me. If she wants something she will whine until she gets it. The only time she wants to be held is if I have been gone a long time or if she is scared. She’ll sit on my lap only if there is not a better place to lie down.

Save for all this, Chihuahuas are super dogs. They are cute, cuddly and fun to be with. I get the biggest kick out of watching Kylee play with my Shepard/Collie mix, Jessie. Kylee can goes under things so Jessie can’t get her and it makes Jessie frustrated. Kylee loves everyone and is a hit everywhere I take her. Everyone that comes over wants to take her home. She is so cute, I just like looking at her. I also like holding her. Because of her small size she gets feisty if you play rough with her. Kylee loves to play fetch. She taught herself to drop the toy in front of me so I will throw it again.

So if you are in the market for a dog, consider a Chihuahua. They have great personalities, they are very entertaining and they are a bundle of love.